WHen I was a little girl, my mom used to build us playhouses on the back porch. I thought they were so cool because they were so real. We had a couch made out of pillows and a little kitchen area and even a baby doll bedroom. WE would wash dishes and hang doll clothes on the "clothesline" and cook dandelion and mud pies. I loved that house because it felt like it was mine. And I was sure that my mom was MAGIC. She could make anything that she touched become beautiful and real. She could also take it all away as evidenced by the time we left lick-em-ade sugar all over the floor of our "house" and attracted a 40 foot chain of worker ants. Oddly enough, in our play "family", no one wanted to play the part of the hired help who cleans up spilled candy. My mom quickly disassembled the house and relegated us to the back yard to play games that didn't require any housework from her.
So, you can see that I have an honest footing in the area of domestic arts and magic. It's genetic and cultivated from the time I was 3. I think this is why I've recently begun daydreaming about having my own play house. Now you may want to stop me right here and remind me that I don't even have enough money to buy an ipod, so what makes me think I can buy a house/condo/4man tent? hello...I told you I was MAGIC...and I am going to magically apply for a mortgage loan. THe problem is that I could get approved for much more money than I can really afford and I've already found a house that is way outside my price range, but I'm in LOVE with it (or the idea of it). 1915, hardwoods, backyard, gas, bungalow on a corner lot. I went to look at it yesterday and magically, the realtor appeared at the same time and showed me the inside. I'm pretty sure it was God's way of winking his approval. I left with my curiosity satiated but my appetite for a place of my own completely whetted. I realized that I don't want to own a house that owns me, which is probably what would happen if I bought this particular house, but I WANT I WANT I WANT to install my own hardward and ceiling fans. I want to plant things outside in the dirt. I want to call an exterminator when I leave lick-em-ade on the floor and attract a colony of ants.
I told my mom, if I can't have a baby, I WANT A HOUSE. I know that's kind of messed up, but it's my way of indicating movement. I need movement. a next step. And musical equipment and cars are old news. So I've decided to try VERY hard to stay in my price range, but I'm on the lookout for a place that can handle all of my magic.