OK, that was a lie to suck in all the WOW afficiandaoiasdfoin (I can't spell that foreignish word). Although I am not a level 60 elfdwarfprincess on WOW (YET), I have reached a new blog level....MY GRANDMA READS MY BLOG!!!! Welcome Grandma.
When I was in highschool, my grandma played the organ for sacrament meeting in our ward in South Carolina. She was a crusader of speed...constantly trying to get things moving on some of the more funeral dirge-like hymns. You'd think you were going to die from the slowness of "Come Come Ye Saints" and the next thing you know, the organ would step up to the plate and get us going at like 150 MPH. No toil nor labor fear...Grandma Daley is here! And so we gave her a superhero name equivalent to her stature in our Greenville III ward society. SPEEDY G...(speedy grandma in case you couldn't figure it out). I don't think she knew that we dubbed her that...but I think it's appropos now that she's reading the blog to share the glory that is my grandma. Most Grandma's are knitting crap and watching Lawrence Welk, and while I don't know much about her Laurence Welk habits, I can tell you that my grandma ain't knittin' NOTHIN'. She and Ralph (her second husband affectionately also known as Ralph, the Southern Baptist) are off to see the world, kicking it tech style and reading my little ole' blog.
I've always admired my Grandma Daley. She is intelligent and literary and stylish. And fast. Speedy. She had a laptop before anyone else and I think she had the first digital camera. May you all enjoy a Speedy G experience in your life!