Thursday, March 30, 2006

Virgo on the Cusp

It's true, I'm a virgo on the cusp of Leo and I just thought it was time to reveal myself according to the zodiac and prove that this is a science...a science, people.

"Here, there is an interesting blend of the introvert and the extrovert...a mix of the practical and earthy qualities afforded by Virgo coupled with the more intuitive and fiery traits of Leo. "
Yeah, I've always intuited that I was practical and earthy. In fact my nickname is fiery earth mother. Ok, not really, my only nickname is NinnyBeth, but, someone once called me a Mother Effer...that's kind of like earth mother, right?

"In their leisure time, Leo/Virgo individuals prefer to play in groups rather than going solo. It is less important to them that the exercise be interesting, so long as it is effective and social, and their perfectionism coupled with physical strength will make these cuspians strive to excel in whatever sport they choose. Within this cusp combination is found the passion and fire of Leo absorbed by the earthiness of Virgo and thus, turned to generative uses."
IM is obviously a SPORT and I choose it and therefore I excel. I'm also in the church choir (re: play in groups rather than going solo).

"Leo/Virgo cuspians possess the vitality and ambition to be successful in their endeavors and are industrious and efficient when working for a good cause. In addition, they are are practical, logical and immensely creative. They are also gregarious and social, being fun-loving souls who live life with much enthusiasm."
This describes me perfectly, I feel no need to elaborate nor justify. I just am.

"These subjects are in great sympathy with nature. In short, they are "children of the soil" and adore the sun and fresh air."
You can't make this stuff up. Please address me as "child of the soil" from henceforth.

"It is characteristic of these individuals not to reveal the truth about themselves or make grand displays of their real inner feelings until they attain their goals, whether such goals be social or professional. "
They must be talking about some other Virgo/Leo Cuspian....
"To some, this tendency is perceived as a peculiar blend of narcissism and masochism...a strange mixture of self-indulgence and punishment. "
OH, nope...there I AM!!!! (please see second GOOD point)

"when they are able to achieve emotional stability, Leo/Virgo subjects can be the most dependable and reliable of friends."
*WEEPING* who the bleep do these astrologists think they are, anyway?

"Unfortunately, emotional immaturity is apt to plague Leo/Virgo natives until they fully accept the challenges associated with attaining adulthood."
I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

"They do have a tendency to exaggerate problems and overreact to stumbling blocks, but are generally positive people with an inherent pride and streak of stubborness which keeps them from giving up. These individuals have the ability to analyze and then take appropriate action. They are selective and discriminating, but are constantly and quickly moving. "
And we arrive at the end of this intriguing starry journey into the world of Ninny. Is it true? All of it. Can I overcome it? Maybe if I keep taking my meds.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ninny Beth says Hi to A Rock Star

I said Hi to a Rock Star. That's right, JUST "hi". This is a full circle follow up to the last time that I had interaction with this same Rock Star who just happens to be Rhett Miller, the lead singer of the Old 97's, who just happens to be my favorite band of all time.

The first time it went bad, I was in portland with A & C at the Borders. Rhett had just come out with his first solo album and we'd been singing it for days. He did a small accoustic show in the book store and then signed stuff afterwards. I brought all of my cd's for him to sign and had a plan to be totally and utterly UN-impressed by him when we met, THUS ensuring that he would want nothing more than to be my very best friend in the whole world. This of course would lead to a few songs written with my name in them and a little duet between me and my best friend Rhett on the next album.

C kept trying to take pictures of Rhett while we waited in line and I emphatically REFUSED her offer to take a picture of me with him...because that's what FANS do and I was most certainly not a fan. I was a friend. In fact, I was a friend of a friend of a person who played with the Old 97's once in Texas. And you can bet that I was going to illicit a deep connection by name dropping the friend of a friend of a friend.

When it was finally my turn to talk to Rhett, he shook my hand and all attempts at being cool flew out the window as quickly as a loogie on I-15. I just started talking and it came out something like this ," Iknowapersonnamedknoxpedenwhoisbestfriends ...breath...
withaguynamedteddypendergrast ....breath... whoplayedwithyourbandin1992andhesaysyouarereallycool."
uh huh.
Rhett is about 4 inches shorter than me and the size of my right thigh, so it felt a little strange to know that he wanted to pat my head and send me on my way like a weird little kid. He just smiled and said he knew teddy and what a nice guy and then he asked me how to spell my name and that was that. The moment had passed WITHOUT any exchange of phone numbers, emails or bodily fluids. I was elated and deflated at the same time.

So last night I went to see Rhett again in Park City. This time I had no illusions about becoming his BFF. I'm older now and much less impressed with the Rock and Roll lifestyle. Plus Rhett is now a married man of 3 or so years....much harder to win his love and affection with a lovely modely- type wife by his side. I thought I was immune to his charms. And granted I was a tiny bit more composed this time, but um....not much.

Here's what it looked like.

Picture me in the club talking to friends. Out of my peripheral vision I see Rhett walk by with the rest of his band. Without thinking I reach out my hand in a sort of POINTING MOTION and begin to, that's right, POINT at Rhett Miller. POINT AT HIM, like I just spotted Sarah Jessica Parker with Matthew Broderick and baby, sharing an icecream cone in central park...ONLY HE WAS LIKE 1 foot away. Then to make things even worse, I quickly tranformed the "point" into a close-to-body limp wristed baby wave and eeked out a trembling, "hi". I think he thought I would wet my pants if he didn't respond, so he smiled and said Hi back.

That, my friends, is how you say HI to a Rock Star if your name is Ninny Beth and you consistently refuse to be cool. He did play "Doreen" for me out of pity later in the show, so I guess it wasn't all for naught. Dear Rhett, if you are reading this ever, I really would make a fine friend and duet partner. I promise not to say Hi again.

Monday, March 20, 2006

This is How Busy I Am...

I am so busy that my Diet Coke went flat before I could drink it all.

I am so busy that I started to put my hair in a pony tail and forgot to finish.

I am so busy that I ate my lunch standing up at the mini-kitchenette today, scarfing chili's tortilla chips and salsa while I waited for my lean-cuisine to finish "baking".

I am so busy that I don't even have time to internet date.

I am so busy that I have to balance my checkbook in my head (which reeks havoc with my ability to purchase cafe rio salads on the fly).

I am so busy that my best friend had to IM me to tell me that she is "SICK of me not returning her calls" (quote used by permission...copyright 2006, nipta thompson).

I am so busy that I can't really write in my blog...although I suppose I appear to be writing right now, but don't worry it's actually just a figment of your imagination.

I am so busy that even my attempts to play mind tricks on you are half-assed and pathetic at best.

I am so busy that I can only sing harmony to 1/2 of a Ryan Adams song while driving in my car before I start feeling guilty that I'm not multitasking and putting myself and others at risk by returning my best friends' phone calls while shifting gears.

Did I mention the part about my diet coke going flat before I could drink the whole thing???? That really made me mad.

I am so busy that I don't even have time to fill out that VERY WONDERFUL "getting to know you" email that has become part of the fabric of my life.

I am so busy that I can only do 1/2 hour on the stationary bike at the gym, which oddly enough is still plenty of time to acquire HUGE wet butt marks of sweat which highlight my best features. Go figure.


Friday, March 10, 2006

Been A Long Time Coming

Well, I've had a little trouble loving the blog lately. Had an embarrassing and eye-opening mishap recently that made me a little blog-shy, but I think I'm back and ready to spill my guts again. And as any of you who know me know, this blog is only a shadow of a type. The real me is much less calculated and witty. It is important to note also that in this blog, I EMBELLISH in great measure in my attempts to imitate my storytelling heros. Please do not take anything that I say as absolute truth...and if it is ABSOLUTE TRUTH, I will preface it thusly. OK. Now that it's been said, I can go about my bloggarreah as usual.

I'm sick again with the snots. It's settled into my jaw, oddly enough and feels akin to a toothache, but it's not, I PROMISE (ABSOLUTE TRUTH). It makes me wonder why...why does a perfectly employed and insured girl like me wait until the pain is beyond bareable to pay a $15 copay and get some medicine to make the pain go away? I am so oddly stubborn in this regard...maybe it's because we didn't have insurance when I was growing up and going to the doctor meant my parents had to foot a larger than life medical bill? All I know is that I got me some anti-bi-otics today and things are really starting to clear up (literally).

Other things are clearing up my mind. I'm feeling lighter...unencumbered by recent fits of self-doubt and genuinely hopeful for Spring. I think that darkness has to come in large chunks so that we can feel it in it's know, the whole "opposition in all things" crap. I do get kind of freaked out when I think that this is life. Not just some passing phase that will never show it's ugly head again, but L.I.F.E. in all it's glory...darkness and light, back and forth, calm and storm. One of my favorite lines of scripture is in Ether when it says "the winds did never cease to blow them to the promised land". I'm being tossed and blown (ewww...get your mind out of the gutter!) but so are we all and it's for a purpose. That purpose is eternal. I want to be eternal. Because eternal people don't have sinus infections and taxes.