Here it goes:
I'm so thankful for so many things.
and this is my prayer of thanksgiving.
I am thankful for money. Lots and Lots of money. I wish you would give me some money. Then I could be thankful for money AND YOU!
I am thankful for Love. I am thankful for kittens. I am thankful for kittens in love.
I am thankful for the Weight Watchers holiday cookbook that will make me feel completely satisfied without losing precious weightloss ground. You'll see a little less of me next year...haha.
I am thankful for crystal light, caffeine free diet dr. pepper, and a whole host of other diet beverages that make each day just a little bit better.
I am thankful for family. Especially my stripper sister-in-law and my nanny and pappy for giving me stories that I may entertain at cocktail parties.
I am thankful to God for inventing ipods. Although I can't afford an ipod yet (please see 1st thankful item on list) it feels like I should still be thankful that the promise of one exists in the world.
I am thankful for friends. Friends don't let friends drive drunk or with a cell phone in one hand and a diet coke in the other.
Please forward this list to 32 of your closest friends and family or someone will get hit by a bus in the next year.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!
I'm thankful for Ninny Beth, money, and laptops that act as rather bulky ipods which cannot easily be a companion on running or scootering expeditions. I will pray for an ipod for you. I too believe in their ultimate power to bring about joy through music.
I'm thankful for your dating/single life so I can observe from the edge of my seat. Who needs Sex and the City on DVD? I have you! Minus all the sex...PG-13 celibacy in the City? The he-harem of Ninny? How to Snag a Guy in 10 Minutes?
You should write Chick-Lit channeling "Wedding Crashers" explaining a top ten list of techniques on how to use your friends' weddings to get play or at least just dates and healthy text-message traffic. People love a good top ten list. Plus, weddings are such an untapped resource. So tap that.
While I'm being tacky and sleazy, what is the stripper story? Bow chicka bow-wow.
That was hilarious. I can't wait to get hit by a bus. Talk about bragging rights over the femur ward at the hospital!
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